
Project maintained by AmI-2015 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Purpose And Scope

Our system tries to manage better the places in the study room.
When we talk about a better management we have in mind as users of the system the students who want to efficiently use their time to study.We want to make a more organized environment for them. The problems the system tries to solve is: one student occupies more than one place,the student left from the study room but his place is still occupied (you can see papers, books etc.)



List of available places: a list of the not occupied places, showing also the time for which they are not occupied)
Status of the session:
occupying---->when the student started him/her study session
A break---->when the student has left his/her seat without applying for "leaving"
Leaving----> the student applied for leaving and submit his/her return time


Every one with an ID and password.

System Requirements

Function Requirements

Functional Area Description
1 User login and logout
2 Public web pages visible by any user (even not registered users)
3 Notifications sent by the system to user devices
4 Study room identification
5 Starting of a study session
6 Ending of a study session
  • FR 1.1 : Log in
    o FR 1.1.1: At the initial web page, there will be an option of sign up so that the student ID is entered in the database.
    o Priority: 1
  • FR 1.2 : Web page content
    o FR 1.2.1: the web page must show the list of available places if any, and the periods of time for which they are available. The student can select one of the places from this kind of table just by clicking on it and then he can place his booking duration.That means that for one place there may be more than one student assigned to it. Each student occupies the place for different(and disjoint) time slots.
    o Priority: 1
  • FR 1.3 : Log out
    o Web page must provide also an option of Log out. While also an option must be provided so that the student can end his study session if active, or cancel a reservation if waiting.
    o Priority: 1
  • FR 2.1 : public web page
    o Contain some general info, and it must contain the sign up and log in option requiring as credentials the student ID .
    o Priority: 1
  • FR 3.1 : notification to go to the study room
    o In order that the study session starts, the student has to show up in the study room environment.
    Every time it is required the identification of the user online and the system must sense the student is seated or not.
    o Priority: 1
  • FR 3.2 : notification for starting the study session
    o After recognizing the student in the study session the system must send a notification that he was recognized thus his study session has started successfully.
    o Priority: 3
  • FR 3.3 : notification for forcefully ending the study session
    o If the student has been away for a long time from his place than send a notification that he has to come back in a certain amount of time otherwise his study session will end.
    o Priority: 3
  • FR 3.4 : notification for removing the personal objects
    o If the student forgot some personal objects, notify the study room supervisor to move the objects.
    o Priority: 3
  • FR 4.1 : smart card reader
    o Read the ID of the student entering the study room(read is smart card)
    o Priority: 3
  • FR 5.1 : start of the study session
    o when a study session starts it should be visible on the web page(change of the status), also it should be visible on the desk in the study room
    o Priority: 1 (for what should be visible on the desk is has a 2 priority depending on it’s cost)
  • FR 6.1 : Forcefully ending the study session
    o Sense if the student left his place, and start counting the time. Also when the system senses that the student left his place check if the status of the study session become finished(the student ended his session before leaving the place). If the student ends his online session, then also the place on the study room should be marked as free(LED is on) If student didn't make any change online then wait for a certain amount of time then end it’s study session
    o Priority: 1

Non-Functional Requirements

  • NFR 1: Portability
    o There will be fixed sensors and LEDs in every place(table) of the study room, while there will be raspberry and smart card reader at the entrace of the study room. The web page is acessible from everywhere.
    o Area: Portability
  • NFR 2: Interoperability
    o The sensors and LEDs must be connected with the raspberry on its GPIO pins. The raspberry in itself should comunicate with the web server.
    o Area: Interoperability
  • NFR 3.1: Performance
    o The changes must happen in real time, and there may be several requests at the same time so we need a fast response time. Also the time that you wait for the student to come back is 1 hour
    o Area: Efficiency
  • NFR 4.1: Acess
    o To acess the web page it is required that the student registers himself with his fiscal code as his ID, since our smart card reader will recognize only fiscal codes.
    o Area: Usability
  • NFR 4.2: Ending a study session
    o If the student wants to end a study session before than his duration ends in a "leaving" state, he/she can apply it online.
    o Area: Usability



Scalability issues has to be considerd better.