see our project : ItsYourTurn
How many times have you sent an urgent email to a professor and the answer came much later because his mail was too full ? Or you're simply tired to walk through all the entire Cittadella to reach him, just to find out that ten more people had the same idea in that same moment?!
Now you won't have these kind of problems anymore thanks to ItsYourTurn!! Real time updates, notifications, bookings, quick informations, all at your disposal. Even the room will become smart to allow you reaching the Professor faster and easier. All of this always under his supervision. He will interact with the system to get the best out of it and the stress out of him!
The system will recognize whether the Professor is or is not in his office automatically updating the availability state. It is shown by green or red light at the entrance of the department of his office and within the application. According to this you'll be able to book a consulence and see if the Professor is available or not.
ItsYourTurn is also able to provide statistic information according to the Professor's availability in the previous days. Key informations such as phone number, e-mail and office location will be accessible (phone, web).
The professor will also have the means to change his state (free, occupied). He can freely organize (daily, weekly, monthly) his office schedule and the system will automatically handle events, such as conferences, private commitments, etc., according to the calendar.
Our project is a great project!
It automatically recognizes the professor’s presence in the office
It automatically changes its responses according to the professor's calendar, needs or his office schedule
It automatically displays the availability of the Professor at the entrance of the department and on the Mobile App
A Student can readily book with a professor and in the same time throw a simply interfaces the professor can set his status according to his mood and needs!
Our project is Ambient Intelligence!
The system is able to understand if the professor is in his office.
There are lights at the entrance of the department.
The system can predict when the professor will be more likely available by basing it on the Professor's commitments.
The system can be used everywhere. It is not important where the student is, he can use it both at home and in the Cittadella.
The system is able to manage the queue of the students' requests.
The Work is starting!
March 19, 2015Delivery D2 Completed, well defined funcional and not functional requirements
View April 13, 2015Andrea had finished the mobile app calendar
April 26, 2015Final check of the projects, presentation with slides D4
Antonio finished the Central Server
May 18, 2015Simone has largely completed the Local Server
May 25, 2015Samuele finished the Professor Interface
June 6, 2015Started!
June 7, 2015Computer Engineering
Al mondo ci sono solo 10 tipi di persone: chi comprende il sistema binario e chi no.